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Dec 24, 2019

We continue our Advent study this week by looking at the many facets that love can take by looking at the life of Jesus. This week is our ultimate challenge to "Be Kind" by looking to the One who is the truest picture of kindness and love.


-Love is an emotion and emotions move us to action. (John 3:16) God loves us so much that He SENT HIS SON. Action.
COMPASSION - Jesus has compassion on the people as he traveled and preached and healed (Matthew 9:35-10:1). Because of this he PRAYED for God to send the workers because the harvest was plentiful. Then Jesus CALLED TO HIM the 12 disciples, and GAVE THEM AUTHORITY to heal and cast out demons in His name.
GRIEF - John 11:33-44 Jesus was deeply moved and His spirit was troubled watching Mary cry over Lazarus. He joined her in that grief and CRIED with them. Then he RAISED Lazarus.
ANGER - John 2:13-22 Jesus was angry that the temple was being used for commerce at the time of Passover (perhaps even taking advantages of travelers in unfair pricing) so he FLIPPED TABLES, MADE A WHIP OF CORDS AND SCREAMED at everyone as He DROVE THEM OUT of the temple courts. Then Jesus did it AGAIN in Matthew 21:12.
JUSTICE - The Snake Crusher promised in Genesis is coming to finish the job. How kind, comforting and loving for God to bring evil to an end and bring us all the way Home, Aslan-style. A warrior, a robe dipped in blood, a tattoo down His thigh, and a flaming sword. For His glory, and His great love for us.
HUMILITY - To do an accomplish any of this required the humility of God to be born as a baby, nursed by His mother, raised as a refugee, growing into a poor man who was a tradesman, had no home, rejected and despised by men who died for people who once loved Him but now betrayed Him, naked and alone. He lived and suffered an incredible humble life out of love for us.
What we're lovin
Daniel - Xikar Lighters
Heather - A Hallelujah Christmas by Cloverton

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